The Real Luxury Yacht

"Caring For Your Diamond Jewelry"

Diposting oleh Ichsan Yudha Pratama On 02.18

Diamonds are the hardest substance known to man, but they aren't indestructible and can be damaged or dulled. Caring for a diamond takes more than the occasional cleaning. Diamonds are forever, but they can be damaged if you are not careful. By learning how to properly care for your diamond, you will ensure that your diamond is indeed forever. Caring for a diamond is fairly simple and there are a few things to keep in mind when caring for your precious stone.

With these helpful guidelines, you can keep your precious jewelry safe and preserve its eternal state.

* Don't jumble your diamond jewelry together or with other pieces, because diamonds can scratch other jewelry and each other. If this happens, the clarity of the diamond will be affected.
* Scratches are external blemishes that can reduce a diamond's value. So if you want your diamond jewelry to retain its high price value, be sure to keep it in separate boxes. You can use a fabric-lined jewel case or a box with separate compartments or dividers.
* Don't wear your diamonds when doing rough work. Even though a diamond is durable, a hard blow can chip it. Do not wear your diamond ring when you are playing sports or engaged in other tough activities. Remove your diamond ring or bracelet when doing the dishes or gardening.
* Clean your diamonds regularly using one of the following: a commercial jewelry cleaner, a mix of ammonia and water, or a mild detergent. To clean the diamond without affecting its brilliance, it is best to use any of these four methods namely; detergent bath, cold water soak, quick-dip method, and ultrasonic cleaner. If possible, use a cleaning solution recommended by the jeweler where you bought your diamond jewelry from, since the jeweler will have more experience than you with regards to diamond jewelry cleaning. If you are cleaning the jewelry at home, don't forget to dip the jewelry into the solution, and use a soft brush to dislodge dust or dirt from under the setting.
* Don't let your diamond come in contact with chlorine bleach or other chemicals, because they can pit or discolor the mounting. Some cleaning compounds that are oil-based such as soaps and other lotions will cover diamonds with a thin film layer making the diamond somewhat dull and lifeless. It may even irreversibly change the color of the diamond!
* See your jeweler at least once a year to have your diamond jewelry professionally cleaned and checked for loose prongs and wear. This type of cleaning will get rid of the hardened dirt and grime that simple home cleaning is unable to remove, as professional jewelers will use an ultrasonic cleaner or steam cleaners. A professional jeweler will also be able to quickly assess whether or not your diamond is still secure in its mount. Most professional jewelers will perform this service for free, so you have little to lose in bringing it to them. At the same time, he will give your jewelry a "professional shine-up".

Don't forget to take special care of your diamond jewelry since this is one of your most precious investments. These tips will help you clean and care for your diamond jewelry so that it remains beautiful for the next twenty years as it is today.

Hurry up and visit Collection to buy from a huge selection of classic diamond jewelry, as you are now skilled in how to take care of it.

Q Polash is an Internet marketer based in Texas, USA. His website focuses on diamond jewelry, especially Indian fashion jewelry. You can read about well designed engagement rings, Wedding and Bridal Sets and other jewelry related tips.

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